Thursday, April 30, 2009

Luna's Story Pt.1

Let’s see what you think of this one…it’s the true, very personal story of my friend, *Luna. She has given me permission to use this here. I actually know both sides of this story.

Luna hasn’t spoken to her father in about 4+ years…

This is the back story.

As a young girl Luna was very close with her father. Her parents split when she was twelve and her father met a woman, *Belinda. Luna was very cold to Belinda, which in my opinion is probably the norm in this type of situation. Belinda not only made it impossible for the Luna to have any alone time with her father but she also never failed to make a snide comment about Luna’s mother.

Meanwhile Luna and her father, having no “quality time” together began to grow apart. She grew up and he changed drastically as well.

So, time goes on and the distance between them grows. They got together for Christmas and he takes her to dinner around her birthday…but the conversation was limited. It consisted of the inane questions that you ask of a stranger as you try desperately to form some sort of connection, “Seen any good movies lately?” was the type of thing he would ask.

Luna attempted to reach out to him on several occasions and although each time he admitted that it was indeed him creating the distance, he never did anything to rectify the problem. Actually he usually didn’t return her calls and on the rare occasion that she got him on the phone his response would be something like “I’m busy. Is this important?”

Flash forward—One day Luna gets a phone call from her dad. He is calling to inform her that he has cancer. “No big deal,” he says. “Going in for surgery and I’ll be fine. I just wanted to let you know.”

In the months that followed Luna’s dad not only returned her calls but frequently called her just to see how she was. I recall her saying to me, “Wow! I’m remembering what it’s like to have an actual ‘Dad’.” She sounded so happy telling me that she had called him on the spur of the moment and he had come out to meet her and her kids at the mall just to play air hockey in the arcade.

Well, a year or so goes by and her dad is declared cancer-free. I distinctly remember how lighthearted she seemed when reporting this amazing news to me.

Unfortunately I can also recall with great clarity shortly after…when he went right back to his former behavior. This is what she said to me about it,

“To be honest, I feel as if he was only trying to make amends, like he thought ‘Oh shit! I might die from this! I better try to right my wrongs’ then when the scare was over he thought ‘why bother?’ and THAT hurt more than not having him all those years.”

I’m going to stop for today but this story is not over yet.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this so far?

*Names have been changed.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Opinions Anyone?

A group of youth interacting

Image via Wikipedia

"One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. ~Moliere

I have always been amazed at how quickly people form opinions or pass judgment on others, usually with very little information on the actual situation (you can usually forget about actual FACTS) and how fast the gossip flies.

I’m talking about when someone takes in one side of a story, just one person’s point of view without bothering to ask for the other side or worse, not even considering that there might BE another side.

I have a knack (sometimes it feels like a curse) of putting myself in the other persons shoes. The majority of the time it’s a good thing because I can “see” what other people may have been thinking or feeling at the time regardless of it being “right or wrong”. I say “curse” because even when someone does ME wrong I can see where they may feel it was right. In the simplest terms, I can see how they may justify their actions to themselves.

I promise that i will post the times that this has happened to me and when I have NOT found it acceptable.

What do you think makes people form these types of opinions?

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Interesting...? (It is to ME anyway)

Does anyone else get into "punk" rock? I'm listening toThe Ramones right now & I want to jump all over the place. I've been up for about 24 hours and WAS exhausted until it hit this spot on the playlist & I DON'T feel SEDATED!! I mean, HEY HO LET'S GO!!! I WANNA DANCE!! I mean...are there people who don't get revved up by the Blitzkrieg Bop?

I ask because not that long ago I was watching a Joy Division video online and my uncle was nearby and informed me that it was crap...I told him flat out that I loved it. Joy Division, The Violent Femmes etc, they have always had an amazing effect on me.
He looked at me as if I'd lost my mind. Keep in mind that this was the uncle who probably had the most influence on my musical taste, being more like a brother at 7 years my senior and buying me my first albums(Kiss, Queen, Cheap Trick, AC/DC etc)

I also love Kiss, Incubus, L.L.Cool J, Aldo Nova,The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Feist, Disturbed, The Moldy Peaches...the list goes on & on but punk has a special place in my heart.

Does anyone else feel that as well?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just a bit about me...

Hi All!

I'm Katt and I'm going to be writing about all kinds of random things in this blog.

I'm going to start by telling you a little about me...

I have ADD (not ADHD-that would mean I was hyper & I'm sooo not hyper, believe me I could use a little hyper) and tend to ramble along without much of a pattern, but if you bear with me you just might find something interesting along the way. I am ALWAYS in the midst of researching SOMETHING. So, in other words, you never know what I'll be writing about from one day to the next.

I am in the midst of looking for a new career as I recently found myself unemployed.

I am opinionated yet open minded, I have a knack for putting myself in someone else's shoes.

I love to read, watch & critique (discuss) movies and play poker.

I'm into astrology, I spend far too much time on the computer.

I have an extremely addictive personality, so I try to stay away from things that are known to be a problem for people like me...doesn't mean I always do.

I also have very little will power...(see previous sentence for the ramifications of this fact)

I hate it when it's cold outside, if it was 90' all the time I'd be thrilled.

I live in the New England so the previous statement means I'm semi-miserable for at least 8 months out of the year.

Well, I just wanted to get this blog started. I think it'll be easier to write now that I've actually posted the fact that I have no rhyme nor reason to what it will actually be about.

One more thing, I have not led your average life. I've been pretty much on my own since the age of 14 and liked it that way...

and well... as Hunter S. Thompson said, "Buy the ticket, take the ride."
