Saturday, May 2, 2009

Luna’s Story Pt.2

During this time Luna was in a relationship with a guy who was having some issues. She never discussed it with anyone because it was his business. She had spent the last couple of years helping through the problem he was having.

About two years later Luna was talking to her brother about the upcoming Christmas get-together, "I’m not sure if I’m going to go,” she said. "I don’t think I can take another year of being the invisible person.” His response? “I don’t blame you. To be honest, it even hurts to watch.”

Right around the same time Luna had finally decided to call it quits with the boyfriend. It turns out he was an addict. She had been standing by him through repeated attempts on his part to stop. The last time after he got out of rehab and stumbled yet again, he scared the hell out of her daughter with his erratic behavior. This had never happened before but she’d  be damned if she’d ever let it happen again.

So anyway, around Christmas Luna begins hearing that her father is being quite vocal about the break-up and is blaming HER. According to what she’s hearing it is his opinion that she is an asshole to be breaking up with this great guy! There was quite a bit more that he said but I think you get the picture.

Luna gets him on the phone to make Christmas plans and asks him about what she’s been hearing. He admits to saying what she had heard and tells him the reason behind it. He goes silent for a bit then says (get this), “Well, how was I supposed to know that? You never told me that! So of course I ASSUMED…”

You see how that works?

“You never thought that maybe, just maybe, you should have asked ME?” Luna responded.

I’m ending this here, but does anyone have any opinions on this so far?

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